Are You Responsible?

“…Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more.” Luke 12:48 (ESV)

With revelation, comes responsibility!” – Brian Orme (Campus Pastor for Origins @ UCSD)

The idea of being responsible seems so foreign in this day and age. Even as I write this, I think of Apple’s CEO and Founder, Steve Jobs and his ability to say “No!” That was one of his successes. Rather than being responsible for everything he could of said “Yes” to, he chose to say “No” and focus on what he knew he had to accomplish and be responsible for. Now Apple stands as having more money that the US Government during the “economic struggles,” and all due to someones responsibility. Responsibility, in this day and age is something rare. It’s hard to see it in the lives of families, school, work, and much less our walk with God.

I remember writing a paper for a Sociology of Culture class where I wrote about a demographic area in the U.S. where people preferred to be ignorant, rather than being held responsible for their knowledge. I went to the extent of saying that the people of this area chose to be ignorant, even with the knowing that they had resources that could make them more competent, better family members, and better citizens of their community (not to mention a better understanding of their identity found in their Heavenly Father).

I continue to think of what Jesus said…”from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more!” I’ll just hit the points I mentioned earlier on family, school, work, and our walk with our Heavenly Father. From what I see in families, is the lack of responsibility coming from fathers. And I’m referring to fathers that know how to stay with their family and nurture them. Divorce isn’t a joke and clearly leaves a lot of void within families today. I’ve worked with elementary, junior high, high school, and more currently college students who lack the father figure in their life. It’s sad to see the lack of identity there (thankfully, our Heavenly Father spoke this a long time ago when He said “Mother and Father may forsake you, but I never will”) Next is school! We have a responsibility to continue on in our education. And it’s not to make “more money.” Rather it’s to become better citizens and better sons and daughters of God. Yes, it’s our responsibility to make a difference in this world. Truth is that the most powerful seats in this country were bought with a price of education, and it is our responsibility as sons and daughters of God to fill up these seats, and giving it back to our Heavenly Father and saying “Okay God, let’s do this! Let’s establish your presence and Kingdom in this place!” And finally, our walk with God. I always remember and quote Rick Warren (as he quotes from the book of James) in saying “you’re as close to God as you choose to be.” That’s pretty harsh, but it’s the truth. I will say that this quotes stings me every morning, when I don’t make time. I’m usually rushing, too lazy, too tired, have other readings to do…but really, c’mon! I take the time to check my email, text friends, etc. Can I just take some time, and be responsible…rather connect and talk to God. Just a simple “hello God, how are you today! Let’s conquer this day together!”

There’s a lot more of being responsible that I could write about, but I think this will suffice for now. I’m open to hearing what you have to say and what maybe on your heart. I’m not better than anyone out there, so don’t think of me of being “closer” to God than you are. Yeah right! His love for me and you is exactly the same at this moment! I hope that you’re encouraged, knowing that there’s some real people out there that struggle, have issues, and desire to just life to its fullest!

Coming To A Close!

It’s a cold and rainy Davis evening, and I’m relaxing in my apartment reflecting over how this past quarter went here at UCD. I think of how I started with expectations in how I was going to be consistent with my study habits, my participation in class, and how I was going to prepare as effectively as I could for my exams. Well, it didn’t turn out as I thought it would, but hey… it’s over and all is well!

What’s interesting is how we have expectations for many things in life, and when those expectations aren’t met a sudden feel of failure starts to creep in. However, there are two things that I remind myself. First is that God knew the outcome of my expectations. Second is that I’ve learn a lot of who I am when I do fail! So in essence I feel it’s important to have expectations and fail as you try to achieve them. Truth is, it’s not about you, your dreams, or expectations. Rather it’s about learning and becoming the person that God has created you to be. Yes, this quarter sucked in many ways, BUT it was a blessing in many other aspects!

I’ve learned more about my habits, my dreams, and where God is calling me! It’s like Proverbs says about “a righteous man falling seven times, only to get back up again!” How many expectations, dreams, and desires did this righteous man have? Yet, I can only imagine the reason he got back up was because God picked him up with mercy and grace!

As I get ready to head back to San Diego this week, I’m excited for rest and restoration through the love of our Savior, family, and friends! I’m excited for what God is going to be doing in 2010! I know He’ll continue to mend, reveal, and bring complete wholeness to the circumstances that try to distract our purpose and calling! Yes this year is coming to a close, but a New Season is about to reveal itself!